The Invisible Heroes
As calculated by the Census and Statistics Department, in 2021, a total of 619,568 ethnic minorities live in Hong Kong. Among them, around 80% are Asians (other than Chinese)

According to calculations made by the Hong Kong Worker’s Association, approximately 90% of cleaners in Hong Kong are recruited by the government. This totals around 12,200 individuals. Among all the areas covered by the Association, 400 Nepalese workers have been recruited as cleaners.
How Much Could a Hong Kong Cleaner Earn Per Month?
Taking the recruiting platform Indeed as an example. Salaries of 78 cleaner jobs posted on indeed by employers are calculated and the average salary for cleaner per month is 14388 HKD. The salary of cleaners vary from areas and duties.

Invisiable Heros
The Story of a Nepalese Cleaner in Hong KongRabi, a 70-year-old Nepalese man, moved to Hong Kong three years ago with the help of his daughter and son-in-law.
“It is tough for me to stoop down so many times a day, especially in the morning when the street is dirtiest. My back almost breaks”
Since obtaining his Hong Kong ID card, Rabi has worked for three different companies as a cleaner and is now earning HK$18,135 per month.

My grandchildren need money for their education. So I really hope that the government could provide public housing for us cleaners. I hope we can be noticed by the public and the government, then we can be provided with better protection and profits