About me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eu gravida orci, ac ultricies augue. Sed tristique congue dignissim. Donec feugiat, nulla at tempor mollis, ante urna pulvinar orci, eu consequat dolor leo a libero. Praesent id placerat quam, vitae tempor mauris. Vestibulum venenatis purus quis auctor maximus. Donec hendrerit volutpat lacus consectetur varius. Nunc eget libero et massa tristique rutrum. Integer non viverra nisi. Integer elit erat, suscipit interdum ullamcorper non, rhoncus ut nibh. Sed mauris nunc, convallis vel pretium lacinia, dapibus nec arcu. Morbi quam lectus, consequat quis consequat non, aliquet ac ipsum. Praesent gravida leo at pharetra rutrum. In porta faucibus erat, sed commodo orci sollicitudin vitae. Quisque vehicula posuere justo, nec dignissim felis luctus eget. Suspendisse potenti.
Quisque convallis, felis ac bibendum tristique, mi est rutrum nisl, quis convallis dui dui ac velit. Aliquam ipsum est, porta feugiat libero vitae, commodo ullamcorper urna. Praesent et magna vitae nulla elementum iaculis quis non elit. Nullam nec iaculis lorem. Ut dignissim massa non metus eleifend.
Shanghai’s Urban Canopy
The following is a story map displaying ten vantage points in the city of Shanghai, China. All photos are original digital copies taken in 2020.
09/11 : 20 years after, the memory of a tragedy
On September 11th 2001, the United States of America experienced the worst terrorist attack on their own soil. A tragedy which brought the world into the 21st century and marked the start of the war against terrorism.
Looking Back: 40th anniversary of Shenzhen SEZ
Shenzhen marked its 40th anniversary as China’s first special economic zone(SEZ) in October 2020. Though this 40 years, Shenzhen grew from small village into big international city, is still being further developed into a pilot zone for socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Reminiscing unforgettable journey during pandemic
Stranded by coronavirus since last January, Alyssa never has a moment more than now, longing for resuming international travelling.
101 years ago today
Nos. 150-156 Caine Road 101 years ago, and today.
Pandemic Map
The pandemic has changed dramatically the way in which we carry our daily lives. Many people around the world were having difficulties in seeing their loved ones due to the closure of boarders and entry restrictions imposed by each country. The author of this map...
Macau: Rise and Fall of Democracy
Despite being out of the limelight on the international stage, Macau is in fact the first in the Greater China region introducing democratic election comparing to its counterparts of Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China.
419 Monroe Street, Greektown, Detroit 1972-2012
The picture indicates the change of a building on 419 Monroe Street, Greektown, Detroit, from the year of 1972 to 2012.
My favorite anchor: Chen Xiaonan
Chen Xiaonan, the former anchor and journalist in Phonix TV who joined Tencent News as the chief anchor in 2017.